Maryland Recovery Now – Carroll County Nonprofits

Maryland Recovery Now – Carroll County Nonprofits

Carroll County has secured grant funds from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development through the Maryland Recovery Now program.


Carroll County nonprofits have been earmarked to receive over $500,000 of these funds to help offset the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • A nonprofit must have their own 501(c)3 designation and be physically located in and serving Carroll County (Nonprofits under an “umbrella” organization are not eligible)
  • Veterans’ Organizations (ie. VFW & American Legion 501(c)(19) and 501(c)(23))
  • Carroll County Volunteer Fire Departments (regardless of nonprofit designation)

Priority will be given to those nonprofit organizations that DID NOT receive a Nonprofit Recovery Initiative (NORI) award through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development in 2020.


  • Churches (See IRS 1828)
  • Fraternal and/or civic organizations
  • Homeowners Associations
  • Labor Unions
  • Private or Political Foundations
  • Auxiliary components of other eligible organizations

Nonprofit grants will be distributed based on need and employment as calculated below:

  • 0-9 FTE employees (30+ hours per week) $10,000
  • 10+ FTE employees (30+ hours per week) $15,000


  • Must have been established prior to September 1, 2019
  • Be a nonprofit entity in good standing with the IRS (See

ELIGIBLE FUND USES include the following:

Funds may be used for expenses including payroll, inventory, utilities, rent, marketing, technology, professional services, insurance, COVID-related items such as PPE, etc.


Eligible uses of awarded funds can include reimbursable expenses for the period March 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021 provided that those eligible expenses have not already been supported by COVID-19 relief or other funding.

Applications will be accepted beginning at 12 noon, April 12, 2021 and ending on April 23, 2021 at 4pm.

If an application is missing any of the required information you will be notified. No further consideration will be given to the application until all information has been received.

Grants will be awarded based on need as described and documented in the application and not first-come, first-served until funding is exhausted.


  • Fully completed application
  • 501(c)3 designation
  • Current IRS Form 990
  • Financial documentation of COVID-19 revenue loss
  • Payroll reports OR W2 forms to validate employment numbers (please redact personal info.)
  • Provide information on other grants awarded
  • Specify how grant award will be used (i.e. $2,000 for utilities, $1,000 for wages, etc.)


Nonprofit must:

  • Enter into a formal grant agreement with Carroll County to use funds as described
  • Submit a IRS Form W-9 for tax reporting
  • Retain grant documentation on spending for a period of five years and agree to a county, state or federal audit if required


Submit a COMPLETE AND ACCURATE application with all required supporting documentation below (starting Monday April 12 at 12 noon).  It is imperative that all applicants ensure the accuracy of their legal name, FEIN, email address and physical address when completing and signing their application, and subsequent forms. Failure to submit a complete and accurate application will prevent you from receiving a grant award.


Applicants will receive an on screen and email notification confirming receipt of their application. If you do not receive this message your application has not been sent or received. If an incomplete application is received, the applicant will be notified of the issue and asked to submit the missing required information.

If you need assistance with assessing your eligibility or compiling the needed documents for your application, we advise that you consult with your financial or legal advisers. General questions can be emailed to

The application period for this program is now closed.
